About Nabinger
Graduated from basic education in France and with a master’s degree in civil engineering with emphasis on airport acoustics, the architect evaluated the Noise Zoning Plan (PZR) of Salgado Filho Airport in collaboration with COPPE – UFRJ. The architect is currently a professor of architectural acoustics in the graduate course at Uniritter Laureate International Universities.
He worked for many years with acoustic research, which resulted in a total of 8 international publications in acoustic events.
In 2007, he was one of the special guests at INTERNOISE, the world’s largest acoustic conference, which took place in Lîles, France, to speak in the main hall of the event about his work carried out in the ballistic tunnels of CBC (Brazilian Cartridge Company). This work brought important developments internationally. With the use of innovation, it changed the concepts of acoustic interventions in ballistic tunnels, adapting the concept of Helmholtz-type resonators (present in Greek theaters) to a new type of use, among others accomplishments.
In 2006, he participated in the elaboration of the Acoustic Performance standard (NBR 15.575) for residential buildings, currently in force throughout the Brazilian territory through the publication “A casa alvorada”, commissioned by the Brazilian government for UFRGS – NORIE – Oriented Nucleus for Innovation in Construction.

- 2003 – 2005
Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering.
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil Title: MEASUREMENTS OF AERONAUTICAL NOISE WITHIN AREA II OF THE NOISE ZONING SPECIFIC PLAN OF SALGADO FILHO AIRPORT, PORTO ALEGRE / RS, Year obtained: 2005 Advisor: Miguel Aloysio Sattler - 1995 – 2001
Degree in Architecture and Urbanism.
Faculdades Integradas do Instituto Ritter dos Reis, FAIR, Brazil Title: Bookstore-gallery with coffee bar.
Advisor: Renato Marques Scholar of: Faculdades Integradas do Instituto Ritter dos Reis
- 2010
MBA in Civil Construction Management.
Getulio Vargas Foundation, FGV, Brazil. - 2001 – 2001
University extension in Architecture and Urbanism. Faculdades Integradas do Instituto Ritter dos Reis, FAIR, Brasil.

The first step for a correct intervention is to make an acoustic measurement (a decibel meter will not work) following the legislation in force in the municipality. So-called “acoustic” materials do not exist beforehand. All materials are acoustic insulators, the important thing is to find out which material has the lowest cost to achieve the necessary insulation for each case.
Many clients come to us after an unsuccessful acoustic intervention. Sellers without the necessary technical qualifications or appropriate technology (prediction software, frequency acoustic measuring devices, etc.) are making the wrong specifications.
We are not material sellers! Using acoustic prediction software, we calculate the insulation deficit of each construction system (walls, doors, windows, ceilings, roofs, floors, etc.). After this first approach, we specify the correct material and its quantity within the best cost-benefit for the customer in order to solve their noise problem as required by the municipality.
Using acoustic prediction software, we calculate the insulation deficit of each construction system (walls, doors, windows, ceilings, roofs, floors, etc.). After this first approach, we specify the correct material and its quantity within the best cost-benefit for the customer in order to solve their noise problem as required by the municipality.