NBR 15.575
Acoustic Performance
Acoustic Performance
In 2006, in partnership with the Brazilian government and UFRGS, Nabinger participated in the elaboration of the Acoustic Performance standard – NBR 15.575, for residential buildings, currently in force throughout the national territory, providing the necessary data for formatting it.

Acoustic Performance
We were also the forerunners in the application of this standard before its approval (projects and works) in renowned construction companies such as: OAS, ROSSI, MELNICK, CHIES, PAVEI, IVORIZZO, among others, among others of which today Nabinger signs the acoustic performance projects according to NBR 15.575.
Through NBR 15.575 criteria and methods for assessing the acoustic performance of five systems are defined:
- 1 – Hydraulic equipment and systems;
- 2 – Slabs between floors;
- 3 – Internal walls;
- 4 – External walls;
- 5 – Coverages.
NBR 15.575 defines 3 (three) levels of performance parameters:
- 1 – Minimum;
- 2 – Intermediate;
- 3 – Superior.
The “minimum” performance limit must be observed by any building, regardless of the number of floors.