Angola Cables

Using acoustic prediction and modeling software, the design and execution of acoustic insulation was carried out for two data centers (Monet and Sacs), which operate with fiber optics submerged in the Atlantic Ocean, connecting Fortaleza to Angola and Fortaleza to Miami. With own design and manufacture: we design, supply and install acoustic doors, acoustic attenuators, silencers for generators, including acoustic tips, carrying out all the exhaust ducting for generators enclosed in the external part; we design and execute acoustic barriers and rectangular attenuators to contain condenser noise.

Airborne noise and mechanical vibrations have been attenuated. Equipment load losses (mm h2o) and air flow calculations were also calculated to ensure that the equipment did not heat up inside the enclosures created. The objective was to align the noise levels of the data centers with the maximum noise level allowed by the Municipality of Fortaleza, mainly in the early hours of the morning.

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