Nabinger Acústica e Arquitetura LTDA operates in the area of architectural acoustics in accordance with international acoustic standards (ISO). Using simulation and acoustic prediction software, the company develops acoustic conditioning and insulation projects for the commercial, industrial and residential sectors.
In addition to the projects, it participates in international scientific research congresses, with specific publications in the area. It also prepares reports and expert evaluations based on acoustic measurements carried out in accordance with the standards (NBR) in force in Brazil.


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With an investment of more than 300 million dollars, Nabinger participated in one of the world’s largest data center works via fiber-optic cable submerged in the Atlantic Ocean, interconnecting Fortaleza to Angola and later Fortaleza to Miami.
Nabinger was the only Brazilian company to pass the contractor’s international scrutiny, even though it is 3200 km away from the work site, and with record amounts and deadlines. Nabinger provided a complete solution (report, project, work and certification) in two different data centers: Monet (2017) and SACS (2019), with its own materials, technical support and labor.
With projects, works and reports, Nabinger currently has in its portfolio more than 1 million square meters served with RRT spread across 56 stores and shopping malls from North to South of Brazil, with clients such as: Sams, Zaffari, Walmart, Bourbon Shopping, Lojas Renner, %DIA. The focus of the work is recurrent and covers equipment such as: 24/7 food cold storage, exhaust hoods, washing hoods, generator rooms, electrical substations, central air conditioning, hydraulic pumps and external condensers for the machinery mentioned above. We evaluated airborne noise and vibrations, their mode of propagation and their impact on the neighborhood; our focus is on complying with the municipal noise law of the city where the supermarket is located.
This is Nabinger’s main service and a difference from other companies. With more than 39 musical studios designed and built with its own material and labor, Nabinger has all the necessary technologies to, in record time, deliver a complete recording, rehearsal or mixing studio and certify it acoustically in the most demanding international parameters. We provide a complete solution including items such as: Acoustic doors, acoustic viewers, cable glands, air conditioning system, elimination of electrical noise (squeaking) for audio lines, and civil work, including painting, floors and coatings in general.
With large churches in São Paulo and even the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in its portfolio, Nabinger has extensive experience in this type of project (REPORT, PROJECT and WORK).
The focus is on complying with municipal noise laws (noise pollution in the neighborhood) as well as improving the internal acoustics of churches so that people have a full understanding of the pastors' speeches (acoustic conditioning with emphasis on improving word intelligibility).
Nabinger had the honor of being chosen by the architect Oscar Niemeyer to carry out the acoustic project of the architect’s only work in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the city of Vacaria: “CASA DO POVO” (HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE). With meetings in the architect’s office, in front of Copacabana beach, we had the opportunity to be part of the history of Brazilian architecture and interact with this icon of world architecture.
Auditorium design is extremely complex and requires acoustic prediction software with advanced three-dimensional modeling in order to analyze sound rays, their paths and reflections. In a project of this nature, an average of 15 to 20 thousand sound rays is evaluated, among other parameters.
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). They are the studies requested by the municipalities to obtain the Implementation License (LI) and later for the Operation License (LO), before the implementation of large projects, aiming to assess the environmental impact of the insertion of the development before its implementation.
Such studies aim to remedy, mitigate and compensate for future noise problems arising from the change in the urban noise landscape. It also creates the rules for the development’s work: analysis of types of tools and their working hours, truck routes for arrival and departure of material, and compensation and guidance for the nearby neighborhood.
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Nabinger Projetos Acústicos has more than 20 years of experience in the Brazilian market, with a history of success and complete customer satisfaction.
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